
вівторок, вересня 30, 2014

Родинна Забава - Family Social Evening

Родинна Забава - Family Social Evening

Субота 18-ого жовтня, 2014


$10.00 adults/дорослi (12+), $5.00 children/діти (6-12 років)

У приміщенні української католицької парафії Св. Йосифа
St. Joseph's Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall
250 Jefferson Avenue

We are asking for donations towards our silent auction (children's prizes) 
and are also looking for volunteers to assist that evening.
To make a donation, purchase tickets or volunteer 
contact Kristya Matwichyna at mat.kristya@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you there!

суботу, вересня 06, 2014

Adrian Hawaleshka's Book Launch

Sunday October 19, 2:00 pm
Grant Park in the Atrium
This is a story about Luka, a little boy who becomes a GIANT. Every year he doubled in height and the villagers, only two feet tall, worried that he would destroy his village. They built a house in the woods and a big chair for him where he could sit by the road and do no damage. Luka was miserable sitting by himself but one day a big dog came along and changed everything! This is a story about how it feels to be on the outside looking in… about the frustration that comes when you feel different and about how family can come in many forms… even in the shape of a gigantic dog!

A life-long Manitoban, Adrian Hawaleshka has been writing for as long as he can remember. With the birth of his son Luka and the support of his wife Joleen, Adrian was inspired to write his first children's book. The three of them live in Winnipeg where Adrian is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at University of Manitoba.